How to Improve Baseball Forearm Strength

Having been a baseball enthusiast for many years I marvel at how some players consistently hit hard a 3“ diameter ball coming at them at 85 to 90 plus mph with a 2 1/2” diameter bat. Timing is all important, but I find that powerful forearm strength is the common denominator to consistently driving the ball hard. A summary of my research in this area is in the following article.

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

In a social environment nobody likes to talk about it but, wow, bad breath can really spoil a relationship. It might be a hint if you start talking to someone and before you get past your first sentence they offer you a mint or gum. The good news is there is a simple cure for 90% of the cases of bad breath. From my research discovery I submitted the following article.

Looking for Bad Breath Remedies?

Increasing Baseball Bat Speed

I've been a fan and student of baseball for as long as I can remember. It's a great sport to play, coach and watch. I particularly enjoy watching young players grow and excel through little league, high school and college ball. And then there's that special few who go on to the majors. One of the abilities that seems to be a constant is hitting the ball hard with great bat speed.

How to Increase Baseball Bat Speed