How to Improve Baseball Forearm Strength

Having been a baseball enthusiast for many years I marvel at how some players consistently hit hard a 3“ diameter ball coming at them at 85 to 90 plus mph with a 2 1/2” diameter bat. Timing is all important, but I find that powerful forearm strength is the common denominator to consistently driving the ball hard. A summary of my research in this area is in the following article.

How to Get Baseball Forearm Strength

I love baseball and have enjoyed watching players progress through little league, high school, college and even major leagues. Size is important but I've found that strong forearms are a major factor in a player's career. To be a consistent player you should know how to get baseball forearm strength. Not only getting and maintaining a powerful grip, but adopting a balanced strengthening and exercise program to prevent injuries will give long term benefits.
In hitting if you have the grip strength to direct the bat with speed to any part of the hitting zone you'll drive the ball hard. "Quick hands" means you have great lower arm strength to power the ball when you make contact. With a powerful grip the bat becomes part of your body as it releases the energy from your legs and core to drive the ball hard.

So what do you do? Grab a tennis ball and start squeezing? Buy one of those a-frame hand squeezers? Well you wouldn't be the first because they do have some merit. But consider the fact that, unless you're a switch-hitter, pitching, hitting, throwing and catching are done primarily with one side of your body and not the other. This opens up parts of the less used side to cumulative damage and injury. Therefore it is important to have a balanced strengthening and exercise program. You can actually exercise to prevent injury.

Back to the tennis ball and how to get baseball forearm strength, I strongly recommend seeking the expertise of a credentialed strength coach or trainer before going too far on your own. You'll achieve your goals faster and with the confidence that you're not doing wrong exercises which could cause injuries. For more information, click here.

Are you looking for the secret weapon that will give you an edge on the baseball field?

I am a former Navy corpsman and pharmacist recently retired from sales and management in the health care industry. I'm dedicated to researching products and services related to health care, education, photography and sports. I share my thoughts and research findings at in the hope it will help you in some way.

Click here for the original Ezine article.

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