How to Improve Baseball Forearm Strength

Having been a baseball enthusiast for many years I marvel at how some players consistently hit hard a 3“ diameter ball coming at them at 85 to 90 plus mph with a 2 1/2” diameter bat. Timing is all important, but I find that powerful forearm strength is the common denominator to consistently driving the ball hard. A summary of my research in this area is in the following article.

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

In a social environment nobody likes to talk about it but, wow, bad breath can really spoil a relationship. It might be a hint if you start talking to someone and before you get past your first sentence they offer you a mint or gum. The good news is there is a simple cure for 90% of the cases of bad breath. From my research discovery I submitted the following article.

Looking for Bad Breath Remedies?

Increasing Baseball Bat Speed

I've been a fan and student of baseball for as long as I can remember. It's a great sport to play, coach and watch. I particularly enjoy watching young players grow and excel through little league, high school and college ball. And then there's that special few who go on to the majors. One of the abilities that seems to be a constant is hitting the ball hard with great bat speed.

How to Increase Baseball Bat Speed

House Train That New Puppy

It is great fun to bring the new puppy home and have it run around your home, chasing things and rolling around. But the fun takes a different turn when the the puppy goes potty on your carpet or flooring. Good dog, bad dog?...not really. The new puppy is looking to you for training so he can please you.

House Train Your Puppy in 7 days

It shouldn't take more than 7 days to house train your new puppy, or an older dog if new to the home. There are many different methods to house train a dog, some work and some don't. Knowing and using a proven method will save you a lot of frustration. The first thing you should do is begin the training right when you bring the puppy home.

Learn Basics of Digital Photography

Photography is an exciting and rewarding hobby. Today the majority of pictures are taken with digital cameras and, for some, you may not be getting the picture quality you expect. Photography is supposed to be fun, but you may need some instruction to achieve the quality pictures you want.

Not Having Digital Photography Success?

Low Thyroid and Weight Loss

When a member of your family is diagnosed with low thyroid activity you naturally want to find out more about what low thyroid is all about. You search to find out the cause, symptoms, treatment and prognosis, and use this knowledge to be supportive to the one affected. In my research I found that the thyroid gland is a vital link to many of your bodys processes. I decided to write a brief article that touches on metabolism, weight loss and diet.

Want a Free Car?

I've seen several cars in our neighborhood that are artfully covered with advertisements. I believe they were all new model cars. I assumed they were business owners advertising on their personal or company car. After some research I found that these cars could be part of free car programs sponsored by various companies. I was so intrigued I decided to write an article about this new (to me,at least) advertising strategy.