So much has been written about reducing fat and losing weight. One could get buried in the avalanche of weight loss diets, how-to books, methods and exercise videos available today. So where does one begin? After much research I wrote an article about the basics of weight loss.
Strip Fat-Seven Tips
First off, I believe that before you start any diet and/or exercise program it is an absolute must to consult your doctor. Do not risk injury or possible health impairment thinking you can move forward without an evaluation by a licensed health care practitioner.
1. Keep a Journal
Write down exactly what, when, and how much you eat. This will clearly identify your current eating habits, which in my case, was a huge revelation. Now you have a document to help you track the changes you need to make to lose weight
2. Read and Understand Food Labels
This is where you can get most of the information for your food journal.
In weight loss it is important to look closely at food labels. Calorie counting is not possible without acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the contents of a food label. You need to know where to find the caloric content and serving size. Comparing labels between various food items and drinks is essential to make the healthy choices necessary to shed weight.
3. Snack Wisely
You will help alleviate problems with overeating and |manage blood sugar levels by eating something about every three hours. Getting too hungry can jeopardize your efforts to eat healthy and observe portion management. Strive for a healthy, satisfying snack, like an apple along with low fat cottage cheese with no salt added. Eating more might seem counterproductive to weight loss, but wise snacking will help you to shed weight.
4. Eat Regularly
Don't skip a meal. Many believe skipping meals is a great way to lose weight. Not eating on a regular basis may lead to overeating when you do eat a meal. Also, it is believed that if you don't eat enough your body will try to retain fat to protect you from being "starved" and you won't lose weight. In fact, you may gain weight.
5. Eat More Whole Grains and Produce
Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables accomplish a lot more than supply nutrients that better your health and lessen risk of disease; they can help you lose weight. They are low in calories, so you can eat more of them leaving less room for not so healthy foods. Also, the fiber in grains, fruit and vegetables will help you feel full for longer periods of time.
6. Drink Lots of Water
Proper hydration is vital to maintaining a healthy body. Choosing water instead of high sugar and caffeine drinks will help you lose weight. I've been told a person should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. For me I believe the volume of water depends on your size and physical activity. The key is, don't wait until you're thirsty to're already dehydrated at that point. Drinking lots of water helps reduce the feeling of hunger.
7. Exercise
Okay, here comes the "E" word. Darn, I don't like to exercise. Look, you don't have to join a gym to get sufficient exercise to lose weight and keep it off. The fact is, for most people, you must exercise regularly to lose weight and keep it off. Simply walking briskly or riding a bike regularly should do the job. Start slow if you haven't exercised for a while. Try 10 minutes and work up to 30 or more minutes a day. Do this several days a week on a regular basis and the benefits will be many. You should feel and look better and, at least for me, mental acuity and thought processes will seem to be sharper. Exercise burns calories and increases your metabolism making weight loss easier. Start today and make it an enjoyable experience.
If you're like me and need a more structured discipline then find a good weight loss plan. There are hundreds to choose from. Each one has its own particular appeal. If you need help in this area go to
Click here for the original Ezine article.
If you are serious about weight loss, Click Here to check out a relatively new program that comes with a money back guarantee. I'm very familiar with the work of the two authors and recommend their offerings.
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