Strip That Fat Away - Be Ready Today
In traveling the highways of life one of my favorite sayings is "If you do not know where you are going, any road will get you there... and when you get there you may be lost". Any endeavor worth pursuing needs a plan, persistence and a passion for success. Losing weight is no different. The plan and your attitude determine the degree of success.
First, let us look at possible reasons we have too much fat:
- Bad genes
- Physiological problem
- Over eating
- Emotional eating
- Eat too much sugar
- Eat too many carbohydrates
- Too much fast food
- Sedentary life style
- Do not exercise
- All the above
Well, we can not do anything about our gene pool after the fact.
And many physiological problems can be normalized by medical intervention,
But let us look at reasons 3 through 9. We can take immediate action regarding 'Over eating' through 'Do not exercise'.
Let us understand that, medically speaking, fat is good! Your body uses fat to:
- Protect vital body organs
- Insulates internal organs from heat and cold
- Energy storage
And, let us understand that too much fat is bad.
- Being overweight is stressful to bodily organs, particularly the heart and lungs
- Being overweight is stressful to bones and joints, particularly low back, hips and knees
I have been told I will lose weight:
- if I reduce the size of all my meals by 50%. True, but am I getting proper nutrition?
- if I exercise more. True, but do I run the risk of physical injury if done improperly?
- if I limit the amount of sugar intake. True, but am I getting proper nutrition?
- if I buy a popular "dieting book" and follow the directions. True, but I gained back all and more.
So if you are serious and ready to strip that fat away let us CATAPULT ourselves over most of the losing weight obstacles and become healthier doing so.
C - Consult your physician. This is an absolute must! Do not run the risk of injury or possible health impairment believing you can move forward without an evaluation by a licensed health care practitioner.
A - Attitude defines your mindset. No need to tell everyone, they will know soon enough. Set your mind to an intimate personal commitment to change your lifestyle for a more healthy and energized existence.
T - Take a "before" photograph. I hate to have my picture taken because of how I look. Place the picture where you will see it every day. There may be no greater incentive.
A - Action Plan; if you do not know where you are going, any road will get you there. Make a plan, write it down and move forward with a positive mindset.
P - Persistence; healthy and permanent weight loss is gradual. Never give up.
U - Utilize a proven program; This is the key to success. Build your plan around a proven program. There are money back guaranteed plans available that cover all facets of a successful program, and you can download them to your computer today.
L - Like the results you see along the way. Lose the reluctance to look in mirrors.
T - Treat yourself at reaching incremental goals.
Be passionate about your desire to lose weight. Find a proven plan, be persistent in following the protocols and celebrate your successes. If you are serious and need help with a plan go to
Click here for the original Ezine article.
If you are really serious about weight loss, Click Here to check out a relatively new money back guaranteed program. I'm familiar with the work of the two authors and highly recommend their offerings.
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