Photoshop Tutoring

For many people learning and understanding Photoshop is like trying to learn a computer programming language. The manuals are there, but there's a lot of trial and error before it starts to make sense. Being a Photoshop user I searched for good tutorials to help the novice through the frustration many of us had to endure. Finding one that is comprehensive and recommended I wrote a brief article to share my thoughts.

Learning Photoshop

As an amateur digital photographer I have used Photoshop for several years. Remembering the manuals and all sorts of books on the subject I wish I had purchased a Photoshop for beginners video tutorial. Oh, I have found my way around in fundamental Photoshop techniques but a great video tutorial would have saved a lot of aggravation and money.

Photoshop manuals and many how-to books are succinct and well crafted. Nevertheless if you're
one that reads a few sentences then starts clicking on a photograph you may end up
discouraged and have a messed-up photograph. I know, I've been there. If you are a person who reads and analyzes every word you still might end up aggravated because it seems the manuals are created for rocket scientists who plan to visit the moon and take pictures. Well, maybe I exaggerate a little. But it is difficult to visualize many of the instructions. Photoshop for beginners could have helped.

I had a good deal of encouragement from friends and fellow photographers. Some of the early comments were, "When you learn 'Curves' (or 'Levels', or 'Layers') Photoshop will be a snap." My response was usually "huh, sure". I had no clue what they were talking about. So I dived into the program and manuals and really struggled to understand while spending many hours studying. There had to be a much better way to learn Photoshop for beginners.

You can read, re-read, practice and understand. However, when someone is positioned over your shoulder giving you click-by-click directions you understand Photoshop faster and absorb more. Video tutorials approach teaching in a like manner. There are many video tutorials to teach Photoshop for beginners. The one I favor is Learn Photoshop Now, or, as its referred to, Photoshop Fast Track For Newbies! A person can learn the basics of Photoshop in 2 hours!

Visit my website,, for more information and check it out for yourself.

Click here for the Ezine article. Click here to visit "Learn Photoshop Now".

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